VLE Presentation Event May 21st
As I mentioned last week we are making preparations to hold an event here at Edge Hill with two other HEI’s who are going to come along and share VLE experiences!! We are holding the presentation event on Friday 21st May 2010 1.00pm – 3.00pm Lecture Theatre SPS Building The two presentations will be from…
VLE Evaluation..Phase 2 begins
Phase 2 now underway…. As the VLE Review Project progresses through Phase 2 of its life cycle we move into the evaluation of VLE Systems. The VLE Review Project Board has taken an executive decision to focus this phase of the project on two current latest release VLE Systems, Blackboard and Moodle. The VLE Review…
VLE Review Academic Staff Survey
We have already had a great response to the academic staff survey which was circulated just before the Easter break. Up to now there have been over 90 responses which is very encouraging. The survey is looking in more detail around the important requirements in terms of a future VLE and its role in…
EHU Student e-learning Survey still open
The survey has been open for about four weeks now and the response rate has been fantastic. Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to complete the survey to date. All of your comments are helpful and will help to inform our thinking about what kind of virtual learning environment Edge Hill needs. We’ve…
Students, have your say about the VLE … and a few other technology-related things
The VLE Project Review team have been running workshops with different groups of Blackboard users in order to develop a clear picture of the VLE and associated technologies that will meet (and hopefully exceed) the needs and expectations of Edge Hill students and staff. Feedback from those attending the workshops has been incredibly positive about…
A VLE workshop and a bit of festive cheer!
Many colleagues will be aware that we have been running a series of stakeholder engagement workshops with academics from each of our faculties. We are keen to ensure that we have captured the views of a wide range of academic staff..from those who have been VLE champions to staff who may not have had much…
In the loop …
We’ve been a bit quiet on the blog front as the team’s energies have been focused on the round of consultative workshops we have begun. So far, we have run them for teaching staff in the Faculties of Education and Health and with Central Support staff. The workshops are generating lots of discussion and ideas…
We are not alone …
It seems that Edge Hill is not the only university to be undertaking a review of their VLE provision. At the moment, there are about 15 others facing a similar process and many of these are focusing on their student and staff needs as opposed to fitting these around particular VLE products. We also know…
I've seen the future and it's …
… the Edge Hill Virtual Learning Environment. Really? It could be, but only with the help and support of Edge Hill staff and students. A colleague recently made the astute observation that Blackboard is like Marmite – you either love it or hate it. From the formal and informal feedback I receive on people’s experience…