It seems that Edge Hill is not the only university to be undertaking a review of their VLE provision. At the moment, there are about 15 others facing a similar process and many of these are focusing on their student and staff needs as opposed to fitting these around particular VLE products. We also know that there are a further 7 universities who have completed a review and who are willing to share their approach and experience with the rest of us.
It looks like we are about to see a national VLE Review Special Interest Group (SIG) emerge from this initial, tentative sharing of information and good practice and Edge Hill will be getting involved. As they say, knowledge is power. One thing I have realised is that the ‘marmite effect’ of an institutional VLE is not simply an Edge Hill phenomenon … we are definitely not alone in that respect.
Anyhow, to return to our own VLE review, it would be helpful to know from you what you think the VLE and related tools should be capable of doing to enhance students’ learning. Please keep your comments coming and be part of what now seems to have become the VLE Review movement!