It is now possible to create podcasts within Learning Edge using the Campus Pack podcast tool.
So exactly what is a podcast?
A podcast is a type of digital media consisting of an episodic series of files (either audio or video) subscribed to and downloaded through web syndication (RSS Feeds)
Podcasting lets you automatically receive the latest episode of your chosen programme as soon as it’s available. With podcasts you can subscribe to RSS feeds allowing the files come to you rather than searching for the files
How can it be used in education?
- To record lectures for revision purposes, special events, or flexible delivery to those at a distance
- To provide a recap or précis of the week’s activities
- Interviews with subject specialists
- Assisting those with different learning styles
- Listening/pronunciation practice for certain discipline e.g. language learning, phonetics
- Providing feedback to groups on assessment
- Student activities
Creating podcasts using Campus Pack
Podcasting: Skills and Techniques
Want to findout more about the podcasting tool? Contact the Learning Technology Development Team on: 01695 650 754 (or internal 7754)
Irfan Mulla
Learning Technologist