• Digital Productivity for Health & Social Care Staff

    This month the Faculty of Health & Social Care (FoHSC) – with the added support of their Senior SOLSTICE Fellow (Laura Taylor) – introduced a brand new resource to provide its staff with the latest in e-learning tools and resources to help deliver ‘technology enhanced learning’ to its students. The Digital Productivity Lab is a quiet work…

  • Audacity: Create Professional Audio Narrations for all your Learning Resources

    It’s usually around this time of the year when most of us free up some time to create or even review our learning resources for the new academic year. I know a lot of staff at Edge Hill are really starting to move away from standard PowerPoint based materials and producing some really engaging resources…

  • Shifting portfolios online

    Shifting portfolios online

    How a ‘spark’ during a staff development session led to a fully ‘on-line’ portfolio for all PCET trainees. Lindsey Marsh (Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education) attended an early Campus Pack training session.  During that session she realised that the wiki technology  offered the potential to significantly improve trainees’ portfolios.  This post is based on an…

  • Students have your say – and win Amazon vouchers #2

    My last blog post focused on last year’s student eLearning survey winners so I thought this time it  would be helpful to explain why we think the annual survey is so important. The Student eLearning Survey is now 5 years old and is an important means of finding out how technology supports student learning at…

  • Campus Pack: An Introduction to Wikis

    Campus Pack is a new addition to Learning Edge and one of the tools that comes with it is a Wiki tool. Wikis were originally created as a very simple way to put information online, that all users could edit. They weren’t designed to look pretty, just to be quick and easy to use. Wikis…

  • Podcasting with Campus Pack

    It is now possible to create podcasts within Learning Edge using the Campus Pack podcast tool. So exactly what is a podcast? A podcast is a type of digital media consisting of an episodic series of files (either audio or video) subscribed to and downloaded through web syndication (RSS Feeds) Podcasting lets you automatically receive…

  • What’s on your Learning Edge wish list? Extending the functionality of Blackboard with Building Blocks

    There are a vast number of tools and features available in Blackboard, but I’m sure you will agree, there are some things you can’t do, at least not yet! The great thing though about Blackboard is that through Building Blocks we can build more functionality into the system. Perhaps you would like new features which help…

  • What technologies did you get for Christmas?

    Many of you lucky folks will have been fortunate enough to have received amazing new personal technologies or tools this Christmas and we’d love to hear about what you’ve got and how you’re using them in your studies, or for your teaching. You can use the comments box below to tell us all about how…

  • Campus Pack Awareness Sessions: more than just an ePortfolio

    Over the past few months we have been evaluating Campus Pack: a powerful ‘building block’ to further extend the potential of Learning Edge. It offers all students a personal area where they can create blogs, wikis, journals and podcasts, and allows us to build templates for things like CVs, ePortfolios, and PDP. As students own…