Health and Fitness are essential to good lifestyle. While students are stressed with coursework and deadlines, it is difficult to stay motivated. However, Edgehill makes it very convenient for its students to provide a campus place filled with sports facilities and fitness amenities. As a newly enrolled student like myself, you do need to checkout Edge Hill Sport Centre located in far end of campus closer to the football fields. You would be able to access the fitness centre and get student discounts on membership. Click on this link to learn more: https://www.edgehill.ac.uk/edgehillsport/
You can also enroll in university lead sporting initiatives such as the intramural games which are fun recreational opportunities for students, staff, and adults from the local community! The Campus Sport program gives you the opportunity to enjoy sport in a social non-competitive environment. To learn more, click on : https://www.edgehill.ac.uk/edgehillsport/campus-sport/
Keeping fit is a challenge for most individuals but one step at a time, one day at a time and you will certainly accomplish your goals. Some of my favorite fitness centers are around the town that you can explore based on your convenience:
1. Active Nation Gym – Ormskirk https://activenation.org.uk/venues/ormskirk/
2. Unite Health & Fitness – Moorgate, Ormskirk L39 4RT
3. NXG Fitness – Malthouse Business Centre, 48, Southport Rd, Ormskirk L39 1QR
4. Volt Gym – https://voltgym.co.uk/
You can also talk walks or jogs in a park, or go bike riding because any activity counts towards your improving your health and wellbeing