
All students living on campus are advised to use Circuit Launderette (Laundromat, if you’re more familiar with this word). It is located inside the Students Union building, which means you’ll do laundry near Subway and SU Bar. This also means that it is quite near the Hub in the main building (where Starbucks, Mccoll’s and other catering services are). You’ll know where it (the laundry room) is if you go on the campus tour when you just arrived.

Sounds like a mundane thing but actually doing laundry can be a nightmare for new beginning or first-year students. Because you:

  • Have to have a card to pay (visa card, mastercard, or Paypal. In my experience Paypal maybe the most convenient because you don’t have to type in the details every time)
  • Use Circuit mobile app to operate the machines (washing machines, and tumble dryers). There’s no manual way to do it (To be fair, there is one machine that accepts coins, but all the other 30+ machines demands mobile app usage). So, you need internet connection, which is no problem when you have your student ID, account and password. However in the first week when your account has not been set up, you probably need to use mobile data, and the best way to do this is: have a UK SIM card.—Don’t worry the International Office got your back – it’s in the purple welcome bag they’ll give you when you first came (Giffgaff SIM). Set up the sim by topping up some money in using your visa card/mastercard/Paypal, etc.
  • Once you get the two things above sorted, using the laundry app is easy. (See the instructions on the wall inside the laundry room)
  • Pricing: costs 2.9 GBP for a wash and 1.5 GBP for a dry. total 4.4 GBP. yes quite expensive but the bright side is clothes are cleaned and dried properly. I’m pretty happy with its work.

Big advice: Ask for help from other students when you first use the machines in the laundry room. You’ll save yourself a lot of trouble.

Here’s a quick video to let you see what it’s like in the Circuit laundry room at Edge Hill.

Thanks for reading. Until the next post <3

Check out another guide to see the view of the laundry room.