Edmund Horowicz, Edge Hill University

Edmund Horowicz (known as Ed) is a Senior Lecturer who teaches Law and Ethics in the Faculty of Health and Social Care. He joined Edge Hill in 2014 after having worked as a Nurse in Perioperative Care since 2003.

When asked what inspired him to become a Nurse, Ed replied:

“I’d always thought I was very good at talking to people and wanted a job where I’d feel valuable and make a difference”.

He also shared that Lady Hale, President of the Supreme Court, is one of his biggest inspirations for paving the way for a form in Family Law, Mental Health Law, and Healthcare Law.

Ed feels that traditionally, men have been viewed as being in gender-based roles – particularly Medicine. But further believes that men working in the Health and Social Care sector are now challenging this by working in all areas, which further supports the role of women within Medicine.

We asked Ed what kind of improvements or changes he’d like to see for men working in Health and Social Care, to which he shared:

“What we need is a cultural shift in respect of men being in caring roles. For example, my five-year-old would still think of a Nurse as being female. This is clearly presented within society as being the norm, and if we address this, we will see changes in the way that men are viewed”.

Ed’s one piece of advice to any man debating entering the Health and Social Care job sector is:

“Take outdated gender stereotypes out of the question and focus on what it is you want out of a career and follow that”.

We’d like to thank Ed for contributing to our series of blog post interviews as part of International Men’s Day 2018.