A Playcation- what a good idea
“Daddy, when can we go to a house in the Lake District and, you know, stay in one of those like house places… and take our toys with us?’ “Do you mean a holiday? When can we go on holiday and stay in a holiday cottage? I’m not sure love, I don’t think we will…
‘Blog series: Adopting, Adapting and Adoring- “Sometimes the hardest path is the only one you can take”
This is the second post in the blog series. “It’s nice to go for a day out, isn’t it Daddy?” my eldest son turned to me and told me. It wasn’t really a question or certainly one that he needed an answer to. It was our first real day out in over 12 months. Since…
‘Blog series: Adopting, Adapting and Adoring – Life lessons in loving after looked after’
1st post in the series. Live wires and bonfires ‘Ooh he’s a lively one!’ ‘Oh, bless him, he’s such a live wire!’ ‘He’s adorable, he’s just such a bundle of energy isn’t he. He’s so bouncy!’ ‘He’s like a little Tigger.’ ‘I bet he sleeps at night?’ ‘You’ve got your work cut out for you…
Counting the emotional cost of Covid
Written by Early Years Lecturer Ian Currie. Children returning to early childhood settings after a sudden and unplanned exposure to a less predictable world are noticeably different from those who left to enter lockdown almost three months ago. The settings they are returning to are also substantially changed. With human contact significantly reduced and, in…