Learning Services offer a programme of informative sessions and hands-on training opportunities to help staff develop their use of technologies and enhance teaching, learning, assessment and research practice.
LTD will run the below sessions over the coming months. Sessions are linked to the 6 elements of the JISC Digital Capabilities framework & the 3 Dimensions of the UK professional Standards Framework (UKPSF).
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, your Faculty Learning Technologist can also provide bespoke staff development sessions. We can deliver a tailored session to groups of staff and teams. Please get in touch!
If you are interested in attending any of the below sessions, book through MyView
Give Your Course a Digital MOT
A supportive peer review session aimed at helping you audit and fine tune your Blackboard course area to maximise its effectiveness and impact on student learning. Gain an objective assessment against critical agendas, such as: Inclusion Baseline Electronic Marking of Assessments Consistency of students’ experience Retention Members of the Learning Technology Development team will help you develop an individual action plan to help enhance your course areas now and in the future.
UKPSF: A4, K4, V1, V2.
JISC: Digital Identity and Wellbeing/Information, Data and Media Literacy/
Digital Communication/Collaboration and Participation/
ICT Proficiency
Using Panopto and Ally – email ltdsupport to arrange this session.
This session will review and offer insight into Inclusive/Accessible learning and the tools availability within the institution. We will demonstrate the benefits of Blackboard Ally and Panopto to enhance the student learning experience. Review the level of content accessibility and systematically prioritise where improvements can be made. Auto generated ‘Alternative’ formats and how they can support different learning styles. Going beyond lecture capture with Panopto.
UKPSF: A2, A4, K3, K4, V1, V2.
JISC: Information, Data and Media Literacy/Digital Learning and Development/
ICT proficiency.
Getting Started with Learning Edge – email ltdsupport to arrange this session.
This session will introduce staff to using the different features in Blackboard to connect with and share content with their students.
At the end of the session staff will be able to do the following:
Edit a course menu
Upload and organise files
Insert links and YouTube videos
Create announcements
Set up discussion boards
This session is suitable for Academics, Professional Support Staff and anyone new to using Learning Edge/Blackboard.
UKPSF: A1, A2, K4, V2
JISC: Digital Identity and Well being/Information, Data and Media literacy/Digital Learning and Development/Digital Communication, Collaboration and Participation/ICT Proficiency.
Qwickly Attendance
This session will offer practical skills and knowledge to set up and manage the Qwickly attendance tool in Blackboard. Providing best practice, this session will cover the following: Set-up Register taking Groups management Entering a session retrospectively Managing late enrolments and students from merged courses Downloading of attendance data Integration with Tableau.
UKPSF: A3, K4, V2
JISC: Digital Learning and Development/Digital Communication/Collaboration and Participation/ICT proficiency.
Managing Late Submissions – 09/12/2019, 10-11 am & 10/01/2020, 12-1pm
This session will offer practical skills and knowledge on the best way to set-up and manage capped extensions, following the University’s decision at the Academic Board to offer all written individual assessments a mandatory 5-day capped extension period. Using the Groups tool, Adaptive Release and Capped Submission Drop-boxes this session will give you the skills and confidence to easily and successfully manage all your students through this new submission process, whilst giving all team members a clear oversight of the student’s submission status at any given time.
UKPSF: A1, K4, V2.
JISC: Information Data and Media Literacy/Digital Creation/Problem-Solving and Innovation/ICT proficiency.
Turnitin Marking and Similarity Analysis – 10/12/2019, 2-3 pm & 16/01/20, 11-12
This session offers an in-depth view of the capabilities and considerations of marking electronically with Turnitin, EHUs most widely used electronic assessment tool. You will have the opportunity to gain hands-on practical experience of marking a traditional student assignment and interpreting the similarity report and index. During the session we will also discuss many related considerations, such as: good practice, EHU Guidelines, consistency of set-up and practice, student formative use, academic writing development, academic integrity and contingent practice.
UKPSF: A3, A4, K4, V3
JISC: Digital Learning and Development, Digital Creation, Problem-Solving and Innovation, ICT Proficiency.
Beautifying Blackboard – 13/01/20, 11-12 pm & 28/01/20, 10-11am
To revamp your Blackboard courses for the 2019/20 academic year: Discover new tools to use to add interest to your courses. Apply these tools and techniques in the session to a real course. Enhance your course areas now and in the future.
UKPSF: K3, K4, V2.
JISC: Digital Creation, Problem-Solving and Innovation/Digital Communication, Collaboration and Participation/ICT Proficiency.
You can book onto all sessions via the Edge Hill University staff self-service portal – My View. Log in and select My Learning and Development – Search and Request. Select Learning, Teaching & Research from the Type drop-down and select the session you wish to attend from the list.
Please note: If you encounter any issues booking onto a course please contact [email protected]
Leah Wilson
Learning Technology Development Operations Coordinator