Future Gazing: Exploring Tomorrow’s Technologies Today
I’ve been working at Edge Hill for 10 years and in that time we’ve seen major developments in the use of technology in Higher Education. For example mobile technologies have become mainstream, and online services have developed massively. Remember that YouTube only started in 2005, and Twitter in 2006, but they are widely used by…
Blackboard 9.1 Journal Tool – Reflections in Writing.
JOURNAL Communication – Blackboard 9.1 offers new opportunities for using social communication tools including Journals, blogs and wikis. The main difference between a blog and a journal is that blogs tend to be used for group debate and to comment, and the Journal tool for individual reflection. Journals offer a personal writing space for self-reflection…
LTD’s Good Practice Guides
Over 30 years of combined experience working with academic and administrative staff have been distilled into the many Learning Technology guides and other resources that now reside in the Learning Services Wiki. These guides are aimed at saving you time and enhancing the student experience – ensuring a consistent quality and making your courses more…
What’s on your Learning Edge wish list? Extending the functionality of Blackboard with Building Blocks
There are a vast number of tools and features available in Blackboard, but I’m sure you will agree, there are some things you can’t do, at least not yet! The great thing though about Blackboard is that through Building Blocks we can build more functionality into the system. Perhaps you would like new features which help…
Students – keep telling us what you think!
There is still time to win one of our prizes (£50 Amazon vouchers, 2 x £25 Amazon vouchers or a 1GB USB wristband) by completing the fourth Students eLearning Survey. We have now had 327 responses to our survey so a big thank you to all those who have completed it so far, but we…
You’ve got to be in it to win it …
Our fourth Students eLearning Survey has only been open for a week and we’ve already had 180 responses – thank you to everyone who has completed it so far! As you know we are giving away one of our Learning Services USB wristbands for every 20th response so this means we have given 9 away…
Students – win £50 Amazon vouchers!
Believe it or not the time has come again for us to launch our annual students’ e-Learning survey! This is the fourth year we’ve ran this survey and it’s great that we’re able to build up a picture of our students’ experiences and expectations of technology and see trends emerging over the years. The survey…
Learning Edge goes mobile!
We are pleased to announce some exciting news … Learning Edge (Blackboard 9.1) has an app! The Blackboard Mobile Learn app can be accessed by anyone with a smartphone or tablet device (iPhone, iPod, iPad, Blackberry, Android) for easy and convenient access to courses and collaboration and communication tools whilst on the go. The app…