• Turnitin Feedback Studio: Ready for marking

    As we are swiftly heading on through this semester and towards end of term assessments we thought it would be helpful to once again highlight marking through Turnitin. Turnitin recently released Feedback Studio; an updated and revamped way of marking papers with some nifty new features such as page navigation and Grading/Similarity layers. Access to…

  • Technology Supported Learning – Lecture Capture

    Technology Supported Learning – Lecture Capture

    “Presenting Performance and Practice” Kevin Henshaw is a Senior Lecture in Operating Department Practice, Kevin has been involved in a project piloting the use of Panopto software to record students performing presentations and clinical skill procedures for summative assessment. Panopto software provides lecture capture, screencasting, video streaming, and video content management solutions.  The  Panopto  lecture/media…