• Working under the radar … Blackboard 9.1 update

    One of the lessons I am learning about implementing a major technology project is that there are quite long stretches of time when nothing really newsworthy happens – there is a huge amount of work going on but very little of it is of interest to the majority of our readers. I could write more…

  • Campus Pack Awareness Sessions: more than just an ePortfolio

    Over the past few months we have been evaluating Campus Pack: a powerful ‘building block’ to further extend the potential of Learning Edge. It offers all students a personal area where they can create blogs, wikis, journals and podcasts, and allows us to build templates for things like CVs, ePortfolios, and PDP. As students own…

  • Blackboard 9.1 Academic Staff Development Launches in FAS

    Following on from recent work preparing the departmental administration teams to use Blackboard, we have now started working with the academic staff in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to prepare them for the upgrade. The process has begun with face-to-face sessions being delivered to each department with the aim of making sure everyone can…

  • Blackboard 9.1, behind the login page…

    We’ve talked about data systems integration, staff development activity and the imminent “people systems integration”, but what can students expect to find on the other side of the login page? Once logged in, Blackboard 9.1 provides an instant overview of each course a student is enrolled on and any related announcements or upcoming events. Students can…

  • Blackboard 9.1 is now out of the box!

    With the systems integration (described in the last blog post) now complete, the Blackboard 9.1 project has achieved a further two milestones and finally moved out into open view. All three faculties are now running a small number of 9.1 pilots and ‘touch wood’, are progressing well. We’ve deliberately kept to a small number of…

  • Introduction to Blackboard 9.1

    Learning Technology Development are working closely with Faculties to introduce staff to the new features and functionality of Blackboard 9.1. A recorded version of of the Introduction to 9.1 Presentation currently being offered to Faculty Champions and Faculty of Education Teams is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zmeq1BlIs1I. The video is about 6 minutes long and gives a brief…

  • The Story So Far….

    The team have been working over the past few weeks to bring together all the feedback and comments the VLE has generated.  We thought this would be a good time to share some of those points. The review has captured views of staff and students in a variety of ways and this has been a…

  • What staff would like to see in a future VLE….

    At the event on Friday staff and students will have an opportunity to discuss with our partner universities the tools they are using in their new generation VLE’s From the staff survey last month, these things came out on top… What staff would like to see in a future VLE % Ability to change  look &…