Community Engagement is an exciting new add-on to the Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment that was ‘switched on’ on 20th January 2014.
What does this mean?
With Blackboard Community, we have been able to vastly improve the user experience of the Blackboard homepage, bringing together new information ‘modules’ (as they are called), to share useful information, right where you need it… in Learning Edge! In addition, we can tailor the content displayed, to show different information to different types of user (i.e staff and students). Our plans are to introduce even more granularity over the course of the year, to provide tailored content for individual faculties, departments and year groups.
So what else does it mean?
When you log in to Learning Edge, you will only have ‘one click‘ to get to your courses. Previously we took you to the page where you would have to click ‘Enter here’ – this will be removed and single sign on enabled for those who have a network login. You should also notice more social spaces appear such as ‘Spaces’ and ‘Organisations’ – but more about those another time!
How can I find out more?
We held an online session where we covered the main features of Community:
- RECORDING FROM THURSDAY 9th JANUARY (Full function) <- click here
- RECORDING FROM THURSDAY 9th JANUARY (YouTube) <- click here
Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the LTD Team on either [email protected] or extension 7754