eShare Recap Banner MW

Hey there folks, Mark here with your recap of all the latest LTD guide updates. Starting from August these feature posts will appear once a month to highlight any LTD guide updates added to eShare over the past 4 weeks! Well, just to skim the surface and name a few this month, we welcomed the addition of the new Turnitin app for Apple iPad, introduced the new super guide to the Blackboard Learning Module tool, kicked off an array of guides on feed readers, lifted the lid on Elluminate Plan for Blackboard Collaborate!

See the full reading list below to find out more information on everything we covered, and look out for the next eShare Guide Recap again next month.


Staff & Students:

Feel free to post a comment on here and let us know if these guides are helping you. You can also get in touch with us at [email protected] or call 01695 650754 if you have any questions or would simply like to know more about our staff and student guides.


Mark Wilcock
Learning Technology Development Officer