Technology Roadshow
Learning Services and IT Services are again joining forces to offer advice on the latest technology developments. We will be setting up a pop-up stall in the University Library where all your students can come along and ask us questions at the ‘Technology Roadshow’.
The aim of the Technology Roadshow is to demystify some of the things they’ve heard about but don’t know how to use, so they can get the best out of resources such as Learning Edge, the campus wifi, mobile apps and electronic library resources.
It is important we get the message out to as many students as possible. Learning Services is conducting a campaign to promote the event so that we reach as many students as possible, however you are by far the best resource we have in terms of letting students know about the event.
So please mention the Technology Roadshow to all your students so that they know where and when they can talk to us.
- The Technology Roadshow will be held in the University Library (11am – 2pm) on Tuesday 26th March.
For students working off campus or are unable to attend they can contact us during the event (and beyond) via our social media channels: Facebook and Twitter. We’ll be using the #EHUmobileclinic hashtag so if they have something to say or a question to ask about using technologies for their studies, they can get in touch.
If you are passing, why not take time to pop in and talk to us at the Technology Roadshow, who knows you might have questions too!
Martin Baxter – Learning Technology Development