• The Unmet Rights of Children in Care: the State of Affairs 12 months on

    In April 2020 regulations in the United Kingdom (UK) relating to the protection and care of children who live in residential family centres and who are cared for by foster carers, were relaxed. This raised alarm bells about the increased risk of these children’s rights not being met. Twelve months on, what is current state…

  • World Children’s Day: why we need to raise awareness about children’s rights

    Each year the 20th November marks World Children’s Day in recognition of, and to promote, children’s rights. This date is significant because on the 20th November in 1959, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly and, on the same date in 1989, the UN General…

  • At the Heart of Gold: Rethinking Athlete Welfare

    According to experts at a recent public event supported by the Institute for Social Responsibility (ISR), sports organisations need to rethink how they approach athlete welfare, to ensure they are meeting their legal and moral obligations, and to provide a healthy and safe environment. Abuse and maltreatment in sport have featured heavily in national and…