• Black Marxism After 40 Years

    Black Marxism After 40 Years

    The historical development of world capitalism was influenced in a most fundamental way by the particularistic forces of racism and nationalism. Cedric J. Robinson, Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition (New York, 1983). Forty years ago, Cedric J. Robinson published his landmark book, Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition.…

  • #BIAJS23 Programme

    #BIAJS23 Programme

    ‘Race in Jewish Worlds: Antiquity to the Present.’ 10-12 July 2023 Sponsored by the Department of History, Geography and Social Sciences, Edge Hill University & the European Association for Jewish Studies. The 2023 British and Irish Association for Jewish Studies conference (#BIAJS23) will explore how race has affected, and been a part of, Jewish lives and beliefs…

  • Witch Hunts: Race & the Persecution of Women, Antiquity to the 21st Century

    Witch Hunts: Race & the Persecution of Women, Antiquity to the 21st Century

    14-15 February 2023, annual ICR conference, in partnership with the Università degli Studi di Firenze (UniFI) & MONITORacism magazine. Hosted by the Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo (SAGAS), UniFI. Venue: Aula Magna, Via San Gallo, Firenze. Supported by SAGAS, UniFI, the Institute for Social Responsibility and the Department of History, Geography &…

  • Palestine in the Age of Empire, 1600-1923

    14.00-18.45 GMT, 7 December 2022 This online conference marks the 25th anniversary of the publication of Rashid Khalidi’s seminal book, Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness. Khalidi presented a new way for us to think about the history of being and feeling Palestinian; at one and the same time, he demonstrated the fact…

  • #BIAJS23 Race in jewish worlds, antiquity to the PRESENT

    Since the explosion of Black Lives Matter in 2020, societies around the world are paying greater attention to the questions of race and racism, including their role in human history. Over the last decade, a growing number of scholars of the ancient, medieval, and modern worlds have argued that race has held a central place…