Animation Staff from Edge Hill, along with some of the current Animation students undertook a performance event at ‘TATE Liverpool’ on Saturday 26th November, called ‘Martial Arts’ which was part of the ‘TATE EXCHANGE’ programme and related to the Yves Klein exhibition that is currently on at TATE Liverpool (until 5th March). The idea of the event was to look to see how Judo influenced movement and colour inspired by Yves Klein’s work could be used to create live-animation by way of capturing the movement of Judo experts by way of filming their movements to explore the use of movement, balance and colour.
In the main gallery of TATE Liverpool the ‘Wirral Judo Club’ performed their martial art and their moves were filmed and this footage was then relayed to a group of 2nd & 3rd year Edge Hill University Animation students in the adjacent Clore Studio at TATE Liverpool. The students turned the footage into quick frame by frame short animations which were then compiled into a longer animation which was relayed back into the TATE Gallery onto the gallery wall by way of a projector. This projected animation could be seen beside where the judo club were practising. Thereby setting up a loop within the performance and combining the movement of everyone doing judo to the animation students undertaking the creation of the animation.
The whole event was inspired by the Yves Klein Exhibition at the TATE Liverpool. Klein was a master in Judo, and was an artist who did performance by way of staging events the ‘Martial Arts’ event looked to combine all of these aspects.
The event helped to launch TATE EXCHANGE Liverpool which is an open experiment; a space for an ongoing programme of events developed by artists, practitioners, and associates from Tate and beyond. It is a place where everyone is invited to collaborate, test ideas and discover new perspectives on life, through art.
Link to ‘TATE EXCHANGE Liverpool’ website
Link to ‘TATE LIVERPOOL’ website for post on the event.
Link to info on TATE Liverpool Yves Klein exhibition
Link To ‘Wirral Judo Club’ website