Second Year animation student Eda Tanses as well as doing animation is starting to shape a path in photography developing a distinct style that is getting her work noticed. Recently one of her photos was used for a book cover for Halil Gokhan’s ‘Yedinci’ and just recently her work was shown on a blog site ‘Shooting Film’ which is dedicated to everything related to film cameras.
Back in the summer she started developing her own photos with the help and support of Edge Hill Lecturer Neill Cockwill using a self-developing technique using Coffee and Vitamin C.
The image used for the book cover of Halil Gokhan’s ‘Yedinci’. You can see the book by going here.
You can see the feature on Eda’s work on the blog site ‘’ by going here.
One of the Photos from the series that is helping to gain exposure for Eda’s photographic work.
Check out this Flickr set to see the rest of her-self developed pictures with Coffee and Vitamin C.