• Happy New Year to all our readers..Learning Services Newsletters now online

    Welcome back to the Learning Services blog.  If you would like to know more about what we were doing last year and plans and projects for 2012 why not have a read of our three Faculty newsletters which we published just before Christmas.  You can access them via our Learning Services home page.  We have…

  • Fancy a good read at Christmas?

    We have just published our three Faculty newsletters and they are available for you to read via our Learning Services home page.  We have highlighted some of our key developments which have taken place during  semester 1 and also some of the enhancements we have made to our services. In the Faculty of Education newsletter…

  • Don’t fall through the gap…

    Just a quick reminder that  we start our Bridging the Gap drop-ins on Tuesday 6th December.    We are here to help you improve your research and writing skills and be me more confident. Drop in with your questions. How do I ……. …. find a journal article? …..reference an e-book? …..plan an essay? …..structure…

  • Help with your first assignment….

    Learning Services has developed a range of new resources to help and support you during the first few months of your studies or for anyone wanting to refresh their approach.  We have produced a number of videos with three specifically around developing your academic writing skills.  Referencing and avoiding plagiarism  Planning your assignment  Introduction to academic writing…

  • Come and see us at Freshers Fair and Win a USB wrist band

    Learning Services will be at the Student Union Freshers Fair in The HUB on Wednesday 20th September.  We will be promoting some of our new developments and resources. Come and see us to find out about our new discovery tool Discover More and also access an App to get BlackBoard Mobile on your smart device! If…

  • Learning Services Staff Development – our first emerging technologies session of the new academic year

    As we all prepare for the new year, Learning Technology Development would like to invite colleagues and staff to their new series of Emerging Technologies work shops.  The first of our new programme of work shops is on 7th September 2011 from  1.00pm – 2.00pm.  QR Codes: Are they Mainstream yet? This quick, 1 hour interactive workshop will introduce…

  • IFOH – “Intelligent use of technology” – Event in FoH foyer 25th May

    On Wednesday the 25th May from 9.00am until 2.00pm there will be a showcase and road show event to highlight some of the exciting work being undertaken by academics in collaboration with colleagues in Technology Enhanced Learning, Learning Services, and IT Services. The event will be an opportunity for staff and students from across the…

  • Learning Services Newsletters – Spring Edition out now

    We are now on our 4th issue for each of our Faculty newsletters which our teams produce bi-annually to communicate and disseminate news and developments. We produce 3 newsletters – one for each Edge Hill Faculty and you will see them both in print, out in departments, or you can down load a PDF from…

  • Access a wealth of information – check out the subject web pages

    If you are a new Pre Registration health student you will just be starting out  with your studies and we are here to help you through the next few weeks as you settle into your first modules. The Learning Services web pages can provide you with a quick and easy access point to all your…

  • Did You Know…. Learning Services has libraries at 5 sites?

    Learning Services has a presence and offers a full library service at a number of Edge Hill campuses, so students can access resources and get help and support at a wide range of locations.  We aim to bring Learning Services to wherever you are! We have an ethos around being as flexible as we can…