New April 1st year Health Students – Help and Support Sessions
Learning Services has developed a programme of sessions to support you through your first assignment.
You will need to book onto these sessions and we are limited to 20 per session: Please email Iain Gannon
[email protected] to book your place
Annotated Bibliography
Thursday 20th May, 12-1pm LINC IT2
Searching for Articles in Journals and Databases
Friday 28th May, 12-1pm LINC IT2
Essay Planning
Thursday 3rd June, 12-1pm LINC Group Room
(Ground floor of the LINC Building)
Friday 4th June, 12-1pm Solstice Red Room
(Lower ground floor of the FoH Building)
Faculty of Health Road Show/Drop-in
Wednesday 9th June, 11-2pm FOH Foyer
(we will be in the Foyer, come and ask us a question!)
Basic Microsoft Word
Wednesday 9th June, 12-1pm E3
Basic Microsoft Powerpoint
Wednesday 9th June, 1-2pm E3
We will be at the Aintree Campus for Drop-ins
Come and see us at the library in Aintree
Monday 7th June Aintree Library IT Room
(Clinical Sciences Centre, 1st Floor)
Tuesday 8th June Room 1:06
(Clinical Sciences Centre, 1st Floor)
Illustrated London News Archive on trial
The Illustrated London News Historical Archive has become available. ILN archive covers 1842-2003. Each page has been digitally reproduced in full colour and every article and caption is full-text searchable with hit-term highlighting and links to corresponding illustrations. Facsimilies of articles and illustrations can be viewed, printed and saved. This resource will be very useful for several courses/modules at Edge Hill University. The trial will expire on 5th May so do please feedback your views to Maureen Richardson. The trial for the Illustrated London News requires a username and password which can be found at here
Silent study area during exam weeks
The individual study rooms on the 2nd floor of the University Library, Ormskirk campus, are booked for exams from 4th – 14th May 2010. To minimise disruption to students who do want to access PCs for silent study Learning Services have secured a room in the Wilson Centre – WIT1. The room has 24 PCs, a number of study tables/chairs and access to a black and white printer (you can also select the Library colour printer from this room if necessary).
Please remember that this room has been designated for silent study only. Library staff will be monitoring this space throughout the day, so please respect the rights of other students to work in a silent environment.
If you have any questions about access to PCs or study spaces, please contact a help desk on 01695 584286 or email [email protected]