Hello, and welcome to your October UniSkills Focus On… blog. This month we are shining the spotlight on a different type of resource we hope you’ll find useful – UniSkills toolkits!
What are UniSkills toolkits?
UniSkills toolkits are a suite of online, interactive learning resources which focus on a specific academic skill or topic.
All UniSkills toolkits have been created by our team of knowledgeable Academic Skills Advisors and have undergone a thorough review process (a bit like peer reviewing a journal article!). Academics from across the University, professional support staff and current Edge Hill students have all participated in evaluating each of the toolkits to ensure the content, structure and design are accurate, accessible and engaging!

Explore UniSkills Toolkits
We currently have eleven UniSkills toolkits available:
And more are in development, due to be released in early 2025:
- Exam Preparation Toolkit
We also have four introductory academic skills toolkits. These are a great place for new or returning students to begin their learning journey. We share our Getting Started With UniSkills toolkits with pre-enrolled students before they arrive at Edge Hill – you may remember exploring them yourself before you started:
- Getting Started With UniSkills: Prepare Your Academic Resilience for University Toolkit
- Getting Started With UniSkills: Research Skills at University Toolkit
- Getting Started With UniSkills: Introduction to Academic Writing at University Toolkit
- Getting Started With UniSkills: Transitioning into Taught Postgraduate (PGT) Study Toolkit
What are the benefits of UniSkills toolkits?
Each toolkit allows you to dip in and out, as you need, to learn more about each topic and to help you develop your own academic skills. You can choose how you want to engage with the toolkits, working on them as a complete package from start to finish or make use of the navigation menu and search tool to focus on specific sections.
How can I access UniSkills toolkits?
In addition to the links listed earlier in this blog, all our toolkits are open access (no log in required) and available online (24 hours a day, 365 days a year) via the UniSkills webpages.
Further help and support
As with all your academic skills support you can access UniSkills in a number of ways:
- Visit us at ehu.ac.uk/UniSkills to explore all our online information, toolkits and video tutorials
- Join us on a UniSkills workshop or webinar: ehu.ac.uk/Workshops
- Book a one-to-one appointment for more tailored support developing your academic skills
We hope you enjoy exploring all your toolkits! Don’t forget to join us next month as we explore the benefits of Kanopy.