• Improving Participation – Inclusive Digital Practice Toolkit

    The “Inclusive and Accessible Practice (IAP) Project”, brought together expertise from Learning Services’ Assistive Technologies and Learning Technology Development Teams (John Haycock and Martin Baxter). Both Martin and John have come-up with a Toolkit for staff, supporting them in the production of inclusive resources.  The aim is to enable all students to participate equally with digital…

  • Technology Supported Learning – MaST Programme Embedding Technology

    Technology Supported Learning – MaST Programme Embedding Technology

    Mark Wilcock (Learning Technology Development Officer) has, over the last few years, been working with the Faculty of Education’s MaST Team, providing support and guidance with the introduction of a number of key technologies including: iSpring (a rapid learning authoring toolkit for developing professional e-learning courses in Powerpoint. Blackboard Collaborate (browser-based web conferencing solution). Panopto…

  • Games for Health UK Conference at Coventry – 14th May 2014

    On Wednesday 14th May I attended the Games for Health UK conference, held at Coventry University’s Simulation Centre. This was a satellite event linked to Games for Health Europe, which is an organisation based in Amsterdam. Jurriaan van Rijswijk spoke first, talking about Games for Health’s vision of using games as a way to change…

  • Facts and Figures about Mobile Technology

    Over the last 40 years, mobile technology developments have changed the way we engage with content, communicate, collaborate and learn. Device ownership has reached a critical mass globally, with CISCO (2013) reporting that by the end of this year there will be more mobile-connected devices than there are people on earth! In the UK, 61%…

  • Introducing Blackboard Spaces

    If you open the Global Navigation menu in Blackboard, you will see that the bottom icon on the menu links to a tool called Spaces. These are very simple social spaces that anyone can set up and invite people to. Members of a Space can create their own posts and comment on posts written by…

  • eShare – staff development

    What is eShare? Why do we have it? How can it benefit me? Come along on Wednesday 16th January for an introduction to our digital repository for teaching and learning and see how you can make the most of eShare. eShare offers you the opportunity to showcase your work to the world, store presentations, videos…

  • eShare – Staff Development

    What is eShare? Why do we have it? How can it benefit me? Come along tomorrow for an introduction to our digital repository for teaching and learning and see how you can make the most of eShare. eShare offers you the opportunity to showcase your work to the world, store presentations, videos and images in…