• A changed World.

    Immersive technology changing the boundaries. Before lockdown and the onset of social distancing, classroom teaching was the norm with just a few innovators willing to experiment with technologies that are truly immersive and engaging. Covid-19 and Social Distancing has meant we all have to think differently and about ways of delivering exciting and engaging taught…

  • Technology Supported Learning – MaST Programme Embedding Technology

    Technology Supported Learning – MaST Programme Embedding Technology

    Mark Wilcock (Learning Technology Development Officer) has, over the last few years, been working with the Faculty of Education’s MaST Team, providing support and guidance with the introduction of a number of key technologies including: iSpring (a rapid learning authoring toolkit for developing professional e-learning courses in Powerpoint. Blackboard Collaborate (browser-based web conferencing solution). Panopto…

  • Introducing Blackboard Spaces

    If you open the Global Navigation menu in Blackboard, you will see that the bottom icon on the menu links to a tool called Spaces. These are very simple social spaces that anyone can set up and invite people to. Members of a Space can create their own posts and comment on posts written by…