• Games for Health UK Conference at Coventry – 14th May 2014

    On Wednesday 14th May I attended the Games for Health UK conference, held at Coventry University’s Simulation Centre. This was a satellite event linked to Games for Health Europe, which is an organisation based in Amsterdam. Jurriaan van Rijswijk spoke first, talking about Games for Health’s vision of using games as a way to change…

  • Students – keep telling us what you think!

    There is still time to win one of our prizes (£50 Amazon vouchers, 2 x £25 Amazon vouchers or a 1GB USB wristband) by completing the fourth Students eLearning Survey. We have now had 327 responses to our survey so a big thank you to all those who have completed it so far, but we…

  • You’ve got to be in it to win it …

    Our fourth Students eLearning Survey has only been open for a week and we’ve already had 180 responses – thank you to everyone who has completed it so far! As you know we are giving away one of our Learning Services USB wristbands for every 20th response so this means we have given 9 away…

  • Students, have your say about the VLE … and a few other technology-related things

    The VLE Project Review team have been running workshops with different groups of Blackboard users in order to develop a clear picture of the VLE and associated technologies that will meet (and hopefully exceed) the needs and expectations of Edge Hill students and staff.  Feedback from those attending the workshops has been incredibly positive about…