• Hosting all around – 360° video content.

    360° content is increasing in popularity. The production of 360 degree content couldn’t be easier; most of us have access to devices capable of capturing images that software or apps can stitch together to give an immersive viewing experience. Lecturers across the university continue to explore this technology, generating good quality content for students to…

  • Paramedics and the 360° Experience.

    Paramedics and the 360° Experience.

    Barry Matthews (Lecturer in Paramedic Practice and Pre-hospital Care) based at Edge Hill University’s Manchester Campus.  Barry has been trying out Learning Services’ Giroptic 360cam, to create immersive resources for his students. The Giroptic 360cam produces 360° photographs and video and was the topic, back in January 2017, of Mark Wilcock’s blog post “360 Degrees…