• Tab-tastic! Blackboard now has staff specific resources!

    We’ve received many suggestions from both students and staff over the years in relation to the development of Blackboard and its customisation. Since the University acquired the Community Engagement component for Blackboard in 2013 we have been able to tailor the online experience for all different users across the institution. Since the summer you will have noticed…

  • Tab-tastic! Learning Edge now has faculty specific resources!

    For new and returning students, there is something different in Learning Edge for this year! For those returning, you may remember the Learning Services tab within Learning Edge, but now there is something even more special for each Faculty and Department for you to use. The old tab has been replaced by Your FoHSC Resources,…

  • Blackboard Community Update for Learning Edge: Your Chance to have a Sneak Peek on 15th Jan

    Hey folks, we’re doing a live webinar session on Wednesday 15th Jan to give you the very first look of how our new Blackboard add-on ‘Community‘ is going to look like. Don’t be the last to know! Join us online for a very short session showing you the highlights of the new features. Follow the…

  • Don’t be the last to know! Sneak peek of Community 9th January 1pm

    We’re doing a session tomorrow to give you the very first look of how our new Blackboard add-on ‘Community Edition‘ is going to look like. Don’t be the last to know! Join us online for a very short session showing you the highlights of the new features. Follow the link below on our new dedicated…

  • Learning Edge Gets Community Engagement

    Following the recent acquisition (Oct 2013) of Blackboard Community Engagement, an add on to our current Blackboard Learn 9.1 platform, Learning Services will be working with staff across the university to improve the design and functionality of Learning Edge. This screencast showcases how the new features, which include personalised Tabs, Panels and Organisations, could be…