Baseline3dEHU have had a VLE baseline in place since 2008/9. Informed by advances in technology and student requests the baseline was reviewed, improved, and put out to the Faculties for consultation. In January a version reflecting Faculty feedback was presented to the Learning and Teaching Committee who endorsed the framework. During the process of consultation it was recognised that many colleagues already exceed the baseline.

The baseline framework establishes the minimum standards expected of taught courses with a VLE presence to meet student expectations ensuring:

  • Consistent course structure and navigation;
  • Consistent content location and format, and suitable for a range of devices;
  • Announcements are used for urgent course communications;
  • Materials are made available in a timely manner;
  • Clear guidance for electronic submission, assessment and feedback.

Learning Technologists are liaising with programme teams to outline what support exists to help colleagues to achieve or exceed the baseline – you should hear from us soon. Meanwhile, we are developing resources like this video and welcome your suggestions for other resources.

We’ll be in touch – and in the meantime you can contact your Learning Technologist.

David Callaghan
Learning Technology Development Officer (FoE)
[email protected]
@dbcallaghan, @LTDatEHU