An update to Release Conditions means you can now create multiple rules to govern the release of content to students, limiting access to content until conditions for at least one rule is met. If you used Blackboard Original in the past this is similar to Advanced Adaptive Release but much simpler to use!
You can create rules for release conditions based on these criteria: date, time, and grade range performance criteria. You can also create rules for specific individual learners, groups, or for all members.
Getting Started with Release Conditions
You’ll notice a fresh new look on the release conditions page. It now opens as a full page, making it much easier to read and view the various rules you’re creating.

Why use Multiple Rules?
Here are some examples of why you might want to apply multiple rules before releasing content. If you have any ideas and would like our help to run some tests, please contact us at [email protected].
Example 1 – Using groups and performance criteria
You want to give Group A access to content once they have received a score of 16 on a test, but Group B can view the item once they receive a score of 14 on the test.
Step 1: Give your rule a name.
Step 2: Select ‘Specific members or groups’ and choose the group you want to apply this to from the drop-down menu. If you haven’t already created course groups, you can create them at this point.
Step 3: Select ‘Performance’ and under ‘Markable item’ select the test you are working with an then select the requirement.
Once you have completed the criteria for the first rule, press save and ‘Add new rule’. You can then repeat steps 1-3 to create your second rule.

Example 2 – Selecting groups and date/time criteria
You want to give a certain group or individual access to some content immediately but give the rest of the class access after a certain date.
Step 1: Give your group a name.
Step 2: Select ‘Specific members or groups’ and choose the group you want to apply this to from the drop-down menu. If you haven’t already created course groups, you can create them at this point.
Step 3: Select ‘Date/time’ and under ‘Access from’ select the appropriate date/time you want the selected group to access the content from.
Step 4: Save this rule and then click ‘Add new rule’ and repeat steps 1-3.

After you save a rule, you will have the option to choose when content will appear.
Choose if you want the content to appear before course members meet the release conditions:
- Selecting Show will mean all course members can see this item in the content list, but they can’t open it until all release conditions are met/
- Selecting Hide will mean hidden items don’t appear in the content list until conditions are met.