Regular readers might be forgiven for wondering what has become of the VLE Review blog. With the review now over an implementation project has taken over. To reflect this new focus, the blog has been renamed and given a makeover.
The name change isn’t just for the blog, it covers the whole virtual learning environment (VLE). The role of the VLE is rapidly changing to become more than a single technology ‘product’ – Blackboard 9.1 is now only part of the picture as it becomes a ‘hub’ or core learning system capable of being extended by other systems and learning technologies that integrate seamlessly with it. Staff or students should from September 2011 only need to go to one place (Blackboard) in order to access blogs, wikis, announcements, TurnItIn, podcasts, videos, conferencing, digitized content, discussion and so on. In recognition of this expansion, Edge Hill’s virtual learning environment has been given a new name where symbolically learning comes first and foremost. Welcome to LearningEdge!
While things have been quiet on the blog front recently, there has been a lot of activity going on behind the scenes – think of a swan gliding along the water in a stately fashion whilst its legs are paddling like the clappers below – that’s a good description of the LearningEdge implementation project team!
We’ll be posting updates on progress and inviting your comments and suggestions on a regular basis as we work towards going fully live with the LearningEdge by September 2011. We’ll also be adding pages to the menu which will give you information about how the implementation is being handled in your Faculty. Like the strapline at the top of the page says … the journey continues …