Jane Wilson

Jane, what types of skills do you practice in Clinical Skills and Simulation?

Students practice a variety of clinical skills in relation to antenatal and postnatal care, as well as birth and neonatal skills.  For example:

Antenatal skills – Blood pressure, Abdominal palpation (assess appropriate growth of the baby / fetal position). Venepuncture. Injection technique, IV management. 

Intranatal skills – Delivering a baby, cephalic and breech presentation. 

Neonatal resuscitation, Basic Life support, management of obstetric emergencies.

How beneficial is simulation in your programme?

Students value simulation very much as an opportunity for practising and consolidating new skills in a safe environment.  Even though students have clinical skills in each module, they always request more as it proves a valuable way to enhance knowledge and skills. 

What’s your favourite session to run with your students in Clinical Skills and Simulation?

Students very much like using Noelle and practising normal birth skills.  This session gives them the opportunity to work as a team to achieve a safe normal birth in a safe environment.

What is your favourite piece of kit and why?

Noelle!  This interactive manikin allows for different scenarios to be generated and students can practice important skills in a safe environment.  

What Top Tip would you give to our students attending a session in Clinical Skills and Simulation?

Relax and enjoy the session.  Try to be okay with being filmed and watching yourself back.  This helps to improve personal body language when working in a professional environment and allows for critical self-reflection – noticing strengths and weaknesses.