
Good evening Europe, may we have your votes please…

The dress rehearsal was excellent – you are going to have a very entertaining evening.  There are very few *awful* songs tonight, and the host broadcaster NRK has done a stunning job on presenting the ESC this year – in a personal, and at times, quite touching way.  I’m not going to spoil the surprises that await you.  I don’t even know who is going to win.  My heart belongs to Denmark, but my head can’t decide, so I’ll leave it at that.

My nephew Luke has been learning the chorus of the French song in his class at school, so I know what he’ll be singng along to!  All the teenage girls rushed to the front of the arena to see Lena do a great job for Germany.  Perhaps the teenagers will decide the winner tonight?

Anyway, off to get ready, and then cockails before the shuttle bus to the Arena.  Enjoy, my Eurovision chums…

BTW: Rachel Rolfe – we’ll do Eurovision back at my house next year, unless Denmark win.  It just isn’t the same without my number one Eurovish buddy, so hope you enjoy the show from Cyprus tonight! I will miss you, as always.

😀 x

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