Post Brexit Conversations
Professor John Diamond (Director of the University’s I4P) comments on the recent appointment of Labour candidate Andy Burnham: Andy Burnham, Labour candidate for mayor of Greater Manchester, tells us something significant is happening. Most of the focus will be on the internal conflicts within the Labour Party, and they are important for many reasons. But…
Would Hillsborough research be supported today?
Professor John Diamond (Director of the University’s I4P) adds a note of caution following the outcome of the Hillsborough Inquiry: It is absolutely understandable that people will be celebrating the hard work and commitment of the families who have suffered so much over such a long period of time. And to recognise too, that some…
Why cutting Parent Governors out of schools matters
Professor John Diamond (Director of the University’s Institute for Public Policy) comments on the Government’s White Paper on Education: The significance of the many changes announced by the Government recently will be taken up by a number of groups over the next few months. Clearly the headlines have focused on the way teachers are educated…
The Budget and the Northern Powerhouse: Why what happens next is important
Professor John Diamond (Director of the University’s Institute for Public Policy) reflects on what the story behind the budget means for devolution: One of the big claims by the Conservative Government has been their willingness to devolve services and decision making to local decision makers. The full story of the underlying motivations over the Northern…
Why universities need to turn on their listening ears
Professor John Diamond (Director of the University’s I4P) suggests a pattern of responses is not just a coincidence. Judge Judy has many memorable phrases and “you need to put on your listening ears”, is perhaps my favourite. It’s been very noticeable over the past month or so that as I have sat and listened to…
Why is it difficult to work with universities?
Professor John Diamond (Director of the University’s I4P) on why higher education needs not to assume that their world view is shared: Looking to develop good university, community or locality relationships is a recurrent theme and plea from practitioners and policy makers. On March 21st we are co-hosting an event in Manchester (click here for details), which…
Why we need to look for the creative spaces to be innovative
Professor John Diamond (Director of the University’s I4P) welcomes Professor Carolyn Kagan’s lecture on ‘Disruptive Change’: The core message for me last night listening to Carolyn Kagan’s very informative reflection on the ways in which key policy initiatives in the areas of anti-racism, gender and disability have been constrained and limited, was how those advocating…
The importance of linking ideas, policy and practice when working with children
Professor John Diamond (Director of the University’s I4P) argues for making explicit the links between ideas, policy and practice: Listening to Professor Tom Cockburn – who is Head of the University’s Social Science Department and has extensive experience of thinking about and researching childhood studies – give his professorial lecture, I was struck (again) by…
Emy Onuora discusses Racism and Football with Peter Hooton
Professor John Diamond (Director of the University’s I4P) describes how powerful conversations can be for exploring serious social and political questions: As part of the University’s Festival of Ideas Emy Onuora talked about his new book and explored the ideas in the book through a dialogue with Peter Hooton. The Q and A facilitated by…
Author of The Spirit Level encourages people to think globally but act locally
Professor John Diamond (Director of the University’s I4P) reflects on the 3rd I4P Annual Lecture given by Professor Kate Pickett last night: Kate Pickett (co-author of The Spirit Level) set out a powerful and insightful case that demonstrated the link between inequality and poverty, and the inter-connections with poor health, depression and social inequality. During the…