• Supporting transitions

    Activities to support transitions between levels 4-6, and into employment and further study What happens? Discrete sessions dedicated to student transitions that are personalised to reflect the cohort’s and individual students’ previous experiences and achievements as well as feeding forward towards the next level of studies. This feature is fully transferable to any full-time undergraduate…

  • The concept and execution of an ‘induction year’

    The concept and execution of an ‘induction year’ What happens? In comparison to other settings, the concept of an ‘induction year’ has been made explicit within the programme as the one of the key components of the programme’s delivery and student support strategy. This feature is fully transferable to any full-time undergraduate programme of studies.…

  • Supporting transitions with assessment

    Promoting students’ understanding of assessment (marking and feedback) at key transition points within the programme What happens? At the transition points within the programme (induction; L4 to L5; L5 to L6) students will be led through a session which supports them in understanding the increased academic expectations and the Department’s approach to providing them with…

  • Funded opportunities to enhance employability

    The provision of funded additional qualifications, e.g. first aid and coaching qualifications, to enhance students’ employability What happens? Students on the Working with Children 5-11 programme will be offered funded opportunities to enhance their employability and to widen their knowledge of potential career pathways. What is the likely impact? This programme has recruited a group…

  • Alumni to support transitions and improve retention

    As part of the Department’s Careers and Employability Week for all Level 5 and 6 students, the Department engages with alumni, particularly their involvement in the Careers and Employability Week and fieldtrips What happens? A number of alumni deliver short presentations on their career path since graduation and how they have applied the knowledge and…

  • Supporting transition and retention with Peer Mentoring

    Computer Science Peer Mentoring To support transitions, student retention and develop graduate attributes the department of Computer Science offer an innovate peer mentoring system that involves mentoring throughout the student’s life from pre-entry into employment. The Rationale Many students coming to university will go through a transitional period.  They have to adapt to new ways of…

  • The Roll of Honour

    Identified good practice The implementation of the Roll of Honour which recognises and rewards students’ outstanding academic and personal achievements and inspires other students to achieve their full potential [SOURCE: Periodic Review of Business School]. How is it innovative or distinctive and transferable to other settings? Outside of Edge Hill, this is actually quite common…