The format and content of ‘Transition Days’ at Levels 4 to 5, and 5 to 6

What happens?

The transition days offer students the opportunity to attend sessions, outside of semester one and two, to learn and be informed about the transition they will be making, academically and also personally, between either levels 4-5 or 5-6 in their student journey.

All undergraduate students will face these transitions, which include the jump in academic expectation, personal demands, the need for resilience and their destination planning; as such, it is felt that the transition days could be an integral part of all programmes across the University.

What is the likely impact?

Students are able to see their own journey, to assess their current skills base, and to consider where they might need help and support in moving to the next stage of their academic journey. The sessions are very practical and are designed to offer students the ability to start planning ahead for the next academic year.

To book to attend a Professional Staff Development Seminar on this topic please click here CLT.

For more information please contact Hazel Flight, [email protected]  or Peter Leadbetter

[SOURCE: BSc (Hons) Child & Adolescent Mental Health and Wellbeing – Stage 2].