What is the focus?

Students on Primary ITT programmes receive specific input around mental health and wellbeing across two strands:

  • Students’ own mental health and wellbeing – recognising positive and negative indicators; developing positive, proactive strategies for managing stress and wellness
  • Students’ awareness of children’s mental health and wellbeing and its impact on their development and education

What is the impact?

It is anticipated that this work will have a positive impact on

  • student retention and completion
  • completion and attainment rates for ITT professional practices
  • numbers of students continuing with the QTS element of the ITT programmes staff wellbeing

For more information please contact

The Department has an identified Health and Wellbeing Lead. She is currently developing a number of projects associated with physical and mental health and wellbeing which involve both students and staff.

Emily Young (Departmental Health and Wellbeing Lead) [email protected]

Sian Onions (Assistant Head of Department and Primary Undergraduate ITT Programme Leader) [email protected]

The support around mental health, responding to concerns about students’ resilience [SOURCE: Periodic review of Primary Education (Initial Teacher Training programmes)].