As many of you will have already noticed the media kit has moved from the LINC to the Library. We also have a raft of extra improvements and changes following customer feedback, these include:

* Loanable trollies which can be taken on location with you.
* Longer loans available through a renewal option.
* New JVC SDHD cameras
* Greater access to the kit with the Library desk being open for 26 hours longer than the LINC. Monday – Friday 8.00am – 9pm, Saturday & Sunday 11am – 6pm.
* A larger supply of batteries purchased to reduce the amount of time equipment is unavailable.


To further increase equipment availability, please return all kit as you would like to receive it e.g. boom mics with covers on etc.


If you are unsure about what you are entitled to borrow just ask at the Welcome desk in the Library or alternatively please check the media subject pages. If you wish to book any media equipment in advance of your shoot, please use our media booking form.